How Passionate Are You?

I’ve got a question for you:

How passionate do you feel about movement?

Anything under 8 out of 10 and you’re going
to struggle to achieve your goals, whatever they

You see, passion is like rocket fuel. It energises
and motivates you to reach higher and achieve
more, to touch the stars and become more.

Without that passion, movement just becomes
stale, stagnant, part of a routine or, in the worst
case, exercise – something you do because you’ve
been told it’s good for you and you have to.

Variety is the key to staying passionate about
movement. Routine is the enemy of variety.

With that in mind, I want to challenge you to
try something different this week. It’s a beautiful
day, the sun’s shining, so get outside and move
your body in the way nature intended.

Throw out your normal routine (you can always
go back to it next week, or tomorrow) and do
something new, fresh and invigorating.

Do anything as long as it’s different.

If you normally lift weights, then try some of
those advanced body weight exercises you’ve
always wanted to try but put off.

If you hate running, take your shoes off and
trot barefoot on grass or a soft surface.

If you focus on serious, competitive training,
get outside, in the park or the woods and just

Use a kettlebell, a rock, a log, a rope, your
own body, a partner, your kids, your dog.

Just mix it up, try something new, challenge
your mind and body and, most important of all…

Have fun!

When you get back to your normal routine, you
should find that this little foray into the training
wilderness has reignited your passion for what
you’re doing.

Even better, you may find that what you’ve really
been looking for is a new way to train, one that
lines up with what Mother Nature really intended
for us Lean Green Human Beings.

Enjoy and let me know how you get on!


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